Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 965: Don't Wast Time


一個無比巨大的玉鼎,正噴著熱氣,在玉鼎上麵,有著一個圓形的巨大石盤,柳夢兒和東方馨月飛行在上麵,在那巨大石盤上麵刻著玄奧的靈紋。"她們在製作陣盤!"蘇媚瑤說道。柳夢兒看見沈翔來到,便和東方馨月飄落下來。"陣盤原來是這樣製作的呀,我還是第一次看見。"沈翔看著上麵懸浮著的巨大石盤,驚歎道。"這隻是剛剛開始,而且你看見的隻是第一層而已,我們要製作的陣盤,是一百零八層的,到時候會壓縮在一起。"柳夢兒一邊說..."Elder Yan... What happened!" Before Yao Shumei could finish her question, she heard Fairy's crisp voice: "It's Shen Xiang!"uddenly opened his eyes and moved his head away from the poisons."Who!" he demanded loudly, then looked at the two poisons lying on the ground. He did not immediately recognize how deadly they were.Sh...